Harmony vs. Balance

Lately, I've been in a space where I have been called to give a lot of attention to the interplay of spiritual & material aspects of my life. 


During an eye opening conversation with a client yesterday, I realized that I was feeling more tension than necessary in excerising discipline in certain material aspects of my experience because I was using the word “balance” instead of “harmonize”. 


I was asking myself certain things like “what does a balanced diet look like for me?” versus “what way of eating is in harmony with who I am/ am becoming?”


Exchanging those words opened up this space inside of me for both greater freedom and greater discipline. “Balance” implied that there was this constant push and pull happening. “Harmony” applied that attunement to the song life was already singing was necessary. 


Y'all know I say its all about the questions that are asked. I found deeper resonance with “how do I harmonize with my life” versus “how do I find balance”, knowing that when life changes, the song that it sings will also change, and when it does I will make the proper adjustments to attune to the new song. 


Hopefully this helps someone today!


Reframing Discipline