Living by the sacred truths

What continues to come up for me lately is finding and fine tuning the balance between the spiritual and material aspects of life. 


What I've been working toward over the past few years, is coming to a place where I adjust my material/physical life to fit my spirituality, and not the other way around. 


What this has involved for me, is a constant assessment of whether I am living by the 7 sacred truths as they connect to the 7 chakras. 


Root Chakra: All is One

Sacral Chakra: Honor One Another

Solar Plexus: Honor Oneself

Heart: Love is Divine Power

Throat: Surrender Personal Will to Divine Will

3rd Eye: Seek Only the Truth

Crown: Live in the Present Moment


I recommend starting with just one of these for a week and see if you can live by it. See what happens when you make decisions for an entire week that affirm “Honor Oneself”. Watch the way that your reality starts to shift. 


Collectively, I believe that those of us who decide that we desire a new way of living are shifting into a more energetic way of being. This means that we are choosing to see that the material world is made up of the spiritual. We are choosing to start to view energy as our guiding light, our currency and the driving force in our lives. 


I hope this inspires someone today!

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Keys to Acceptance


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